Wednesday, February 27, 2008

image essay #3

This image by Bansky is very interesting to me. It is extremely striking. Upon viewing the image something within me is stirred. I believe that this has happened with this image, along with most other Bansky imagery, because he plays with emotion, culture, reality, and what in our society is too commonly un-talked about. This image portrays a young girl with a bloody nose standing amongst the wreckage of houses, possibly her own. The image is immediately striking because the child is crying, holding her teddy bear, bleeding, with fear and lonesomeness. Bansky has created a piece that is exceedingly powerful using imagery that is recognizable. I believe that the girl is possibly located in New Orleans. There is a couple of Red Cross workers who are about to approach the girl, however television media are preventing them from aiding her. There is a camera man, a photographer and what appears to be a producer. The three men are trying to “capture a moment” using the image of the child as a sob story for the nation. The image is compelling and heart breaking. Bansky has used honestly black and white to expose the rawness that is this scene. He also splashes some red on the girls face and in the uniform crosses. This image creates tension both literally and figuratively within the context of two-dimension. The piece exhibits well thought out meaning with thoughtful symbols. Bansky’s image is very successful and a favorite of mine.

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