Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Image Essay #1

Large Interior W11 by Lucian Freud
Upon viewing this painting, the first thing that attracts the viewer is perhaps the color. A mustardy yellow glazes the surface of the painting, a toned-down brightness. The painting has an offset balance; in the right foreground there is a heavy distribution where the people sit. The left background is rather empty its only real weight is the sink and faucet in the corner. It is a little unsettling this way because it feels as if the people are leaning towards you, it feels uncomfortable. The composition is certainly asymmetrical, there is no mirroring in the painting, and your eyes cannot help but move around. An interesting aspect of the painting is that it incorporates the use of the triangular hierarchy, whether or not the people’s positions are telling of their importance. The young man is at the top, and so go our eyes to the two young women on his right, following the women on his left, and finally the young lady on the floor. The viewer begins to assess who these people might be, and why they are in this room. The clump of people exhibit the most dominance throughout the painting, they cause the most investigation.
Overall the painting is well composed and an intresting one to spend time on.

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