Monday, January 21, 2008

Image Essay #2

M.C. Escher has brilliant take on a self-portrait in his lithograph "Hand with Reflecting Sphere." The image is so intriguing and gripping, first because it is unlike any other self-portrait I have ever seen; with the area of focus, the artist himself, contained in a metallic sphere. Your eyes simply gravitate inward towards him, as all existential groupings form around him. The little objects surrounding him suction your eyes. The focal point is further attributed by the brilliant use of dominant black around the sphere. Even though the black is dominant, it forces the eye towards the more concentrated. The way in which the hand begins at the edge of the paper and moves towards the center is yet another brilliant way in which Escher calls the viewer to himself. The composition has a stunning balanced shown greatly in his use of the black and white distributed equally; as well as the shapes that are placed according to their visual weight.
+ another intresting fact about this painting is that M.C. Escher was left handed, as reflected in the sphere, however, the hand in the foreground is his left hand also, contradicting the reflection.

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