Wednesday, April 23, 2008

image essay #10

Bed by Robert Rauschenberg, 1955. This piece by Robert Rauschenberg is one that I find particularly intriguing. For me, when an artist incorporates several mediums I am automatically draw in. It is very interesting to see how someone can take varying objects and mediums and make them relate to one another. It is like music with several different instruments. Rauschenberg does this famously over and over again throughout his many works. In ‘Bed’ he uses mediums including, a quilt given to him by artist Dorothea Rockburne, paint, pillow, nail polish, toothpaste, and sheets. The colors shift your eyes back and forth. The media and colors play together nicely to create this scene that invokes different meanings. What is this bed that we are seeing? Is it a scene of violence, of dreams, of love? And why are we looking at the bed straight on? Is it on a wall, or are we omnipresent above it? What I believe Rauschenberg does so successfully here is to let the viewer decide why this bed is important, and what it means personally to the viewer; with every varying person, is a different meaning. For myself I look at it being a representation of dreams bleeding and perhaps fading; the inability to hold them.

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