Tuesday, April 22, 2008

image essay#7

Sally Mann displays brilliant value in this 1992 photographed titled, Shiva at Whistle Creek. Mann has a fantastic capability of captivating a person with her rich contrast in photographs. There are many different values inherent in each of her works, and this photograph is a great example of her professionalism. She has a way of focusing on the subject, but also allowing the subject to appear soft and welcoming, there are no edges that are to harsh. The way in which she captures her subject, with the enormous ability of seeing detail, one can almost see color. This photograph is very alluring, there is the sense of both watching the young girl from above, or what I feel almost instantaneously is that I am the young girl. Perhaps Mann is invoking these positions onto the viewer. In any case, the image is calming, and certainly captures a setting in which you can hear the trickling of water, and image the cold, feeling the innocence and the freedom of a child.

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